It's been awile...
Hello everyone... It's been awhile.
So many things have been going on since I last posted. The kids have started school. The twins are now in the 4th grade and my oldest is going to be junior in high school this year.
I started back to work when the twins entered pre-k - hence the lack of posting. I worked at an elementary school for a couple of years as a teacher's assistant and I really enjoyed that.
Then, covid hit.
Everything went into lock down, us included. Since March of 2020, I've gone back to being a stay at home mom and the kids all did their schooling virtually.
It's been crazy. It's been wild. It's been odd... but it's also been great.
So, long story short... I'll try to update the blog more often. I'll be posting recipes, book reviews, updates on my cross stitch projects - that sort of thing.
Moving forward, I will not be posting pictures of the children. I started this blog as a way for family members to keep up with family photos but seeing as everyone in my family is now on social media- the older posts will be deleted along with the photos, too. Now, there simply is no need for that. (In fact, I may go back and delete some of the older posts, too.)
Happy posting everyone!
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